I just finished reading Game Change by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin. The book, which is soon to be an HBO movie, certainly goes a long way to explaining what's wrong with our system of electing the individuals who will guide our ship of state. Even the most pure of heart candidates must be sullied by the pragmatic requirements of the process. The candidate must cater to all elements of his constituency, no matter how extreme. No comment by an opposing candidate must go un-twisted into a racist, sexist, humanist, (fill-in your own) diatribe. Negative ads must be prepared from the moment the candidacy is announced and be ready for air at a moment's notice. And the money must keep rollin' in.
Sure, I know that politics is a sleazy, sordid game, but it's difficult to face the truth that even if a person truly wants to take the high road, wants to focus on the issues, and sincerely wants to make life better for the average citizen, it ain't gonna happen. It's cut-throat all the way.
It was also interesting to discover that Elizabeth Edwards wasn't so saintly on the campaign trail, that the McCains had expletive-laden fights in front of their staff, and that Sarah Palin's staff began to believe that she was mentally unstable. I guess we already knew that John Edwards was a dog, so no surprise there. I understand Meghan McCain is concerned about how she will be portrayed in the movie, even though she only appears briefly in the book. But she's apparently done more to prove herself a shallow, entitled twit in her own book, so What-ever!
I am also following the various political soundbites that continue to insist that America is a Christian nation. (Don't get me started on Terry Jones. He should be voted off the continent and air-dropped into Kabul.) Now, generically speaking, I have no problem with Christians. Some of my best friends, and all that… But I'm wondering, if all these people are insisting that this country should be following Christian principles, why aren't they leading the way in practice.
I'm certainly not a biblical scholar, but I believe Jesus' statement that one should render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's (unless he was misquoted or it was taken out of context), is a pretty clear statement that there should be a separation of church and state. I also believe that one of the creeds of Christianity was that orphans and widows should be cared for, the ill and disabled should be given aid, and the poor should be looked after by those who had been given more. Yet daily one of our political parties puts forth another proposal that will remove that care and support for those same citizens in need. Still looking for the practice of Christian principles here.
I'm also thinking of the statement that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter heaven. Again, this may have been misquoted or taken out of context. However, I'm waiting for someone to point out that all the CEO's are in danger of never reaching their heavenly reward. So it is our Christian duty to see that when the time comes, these towering figures of corporate entitlement will be able to glide easily through the pearly gates. St. Peter is smiling and saying, "Jeffrey Immelt, you lost all your fortune when you had to pay your taxes. Come on in." Hey, it could happen.
Meanwhile, the zombies in Madison, Wisconsin have given me hope. A mass of zombies, reportedly in more numbers than the Tea Party rally, marched on the state capitol. They were planning to eat Governor Walker's brains, but learned that he didn't have any. One sign stated that Republican brains were full of excrement…and such tiny portions as well. We may see more such street actions in the near future and I think it's great. I know a number of people who won't vote because they don't believe it will matter. But they will happily put on costumes and makeup to make our elected official look like idiots (not that many of them need any help). And they will willingly sit in the front offices of corporations who have avoided paying their taxes, so the rest of us can cover their bill and pay more for their services as well. I think this is how we get things changed. We make a nuisance of ourselves and embarrass (if that’s possible) the powers that be.
Remember how fandom took on the religious nutbags of Fred Phelps at Comicon? That’s what we need. Our own special brand of insanity. Because that’s what they have no defense against. I’m gonna go work on my zombie costume. Some of us have already been practicing. Check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pddHOEzRBXg for zombies and poetry. You can’t beat it. (I’m the one on his right leg). Ahhh, good times.
I already have a zombie costume that I'm wearing this Saturday! (Check out my Facebook status.) I'm willing to do anything to bring the public's awareness to the important things that need to be fixed in this country. If it takes acting like zombies, then let's go for it! ;)
ReplyDeleteI don't believe that any US political party is essentially "Christian" or professes any faith other than they want to get elected and remain in power. I really do cringe at some of these politicans when they claim they're speaking for God. Please, politician, you do not. God speaks to us in the Bible very clearly. Read it more often, confess your sin, and work toward helping your brothers and sisters in need. But I guess we'll have to forgive the politicos when they fall for the temptation of trying to gain a well-paid, public office. With such a high unemployment rate, who really wants to be out of a job?